Pat FallonRepublicanHouseTexas4Trades2Issuers$558KVolume2022-10-31Last Traded4District2023 – 2025Years Active1967-12-19Date of Birth57AgeCommitteesArmed ServicesOversight and ReformShow details
Pat FallonAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize Twitter IncTWTR:US 2 Dec2022 31 Oct2022 days31 sell 50K–100K Twitter IncTWTR:US 9 Feb2022 19 Jan2022 days20 buy 15K–50K Twitter IncTWTR:US 9 Feb2022 24 Jan2022 days15 buy 50K–100K Verizon Communications IncVZ:US 9 Feb2022 7 Jan2022 days32 sell 250K–500K