Ro KhannaDemocratHouseCalifornia14159Trades1074Issuers$257.83MVolume2024-11-27Last Traded17District2023 – 2025Years Active1976-09-13Date of Birth48AgeShow details
Ro KhannaAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize Royal Bank of CanadaRY:US 10 Feb2025 24 Jan2025 days17 buy 50K–100K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 2 Jan2025 days39 buy 1K–15K Laboratory Corp of America HoldingsLH:US 10 Feb2025 6 Jan2025 days35 buy 1K–15K Colgate-Palmolive CoCL:US 10 Feb2025 3 Jan2025 days38 buy 1K–15K Colgate-Palmolive CoCL:US 10 Feb2025 6 Jan2025 days35 buy 1K–15K Texas Instruments IncTXN:US 10 Feb2025 24 Jan2025 days17 buy 1K–15K Berkshire Hathaway IncBRK/B:US 10 Feb2025 2 Jan2025 days39 buy 1K–15K Abbott LaboratoriesABT:US 10 Feb2025 2 Jan2025 days39 buy 1K–15K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 22 Jan2025 days19 buy 1K–15K General Mills IncGIS:US 10 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K General Mills IncGIS:US 10 Feb2025 14 Jan2025 days27 buy 1K–15K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 16 Jan2025 days25 buy 1K–15K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 23 Jan2025 days18 buy 1K–15K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K Metlife IncMET:US 10 Feb2025 24 Jan2025 days17 buy 1K–15KExplore Trades
Most Traded SectorsFinancials2,438Information Technology2,185Healthcare1,905Consumer Discretionary1,606Other5,991
Most Traded IssuersCBOE MINI SPX INDEX135Alphabet Inc126Microsoft Corp109The Walt Disney Co102Other13,653